The mission of the International Centre for Training and Research in the Neurolinguistic Approach and Neuroeducation (CiFRAN)

Founded to meet the needs of foreign-language teachers and education stakeholders, our centre draws on decades of training experience. Our aim is to build a bridge between academic knowledge and on-the-ground needs for school or university environments as well as for institutions that are involved in adult education for immigrants or professionals. Read more>>


Encuentro internacional de docentes de lenguas extranjeras 2025 con Dr. Claude Germain y Dr. Steeve Mercier

Hacemos llegar el cartel y el link de acceso al formulario de inscripción al: “Encuentro internacional de docentes de lenguas extranjeras 2025”:

El evento es gratuito. Los especialistas invitados acudirán de manera presencial al evento. La asistencia puede ser presencial o a distancia. Se contará con la presencia de la nueva Asociación mexicana de docencia e investigación en el área de francés (AMDIF) y de la Asociación mexicana de español lengua extranjera (AMELE). Se expide constancia de 20 horas de formación. El cupo es limitado. El programa se hará llegar por mail a los inscritos, días antes del evento, así como el link Zoom, a quienes registren su asistencia a distancia. La Editorial Myosotis Presse, Canadá, tendrá a la venta el material bibliográfico del taller a costo especial. Mayores informes por WhatsApp: +52 2281 467161.


28avr(avr 28)8:30 matin02mai(mai 2)4:00 après-midiANL1- Ontario - Stage de formation initiale à l'Approche Neurolinguistique(avril 28) 8:30 matin - (mai 2) 4:00 après-midi 570 W Hunt Club Rd

08mai(mai 8)8:30 matin124:30 après-midiANL1- Québec - Stage de formation initiale à l'Approche Neurolinguistique8:30 matin (8) - 4:30 après-midi (12) École Trilingue Vision Rive-Sud

14mai(mai 14)8:30 matin18(mai 18)4:30 après-midiCPH1 - Québec - Optimiser la prononciation en langue seconde / étrangère8:30 matin - 4:30 après-midi (18) École Trilingue Vision Rive-Sud

28jul(jul 28)8:30 matin01aou(aou 1)4:30 après-midiANL1- Québec - Stage de formation initiale à l'Approche Neurolinguistique(juillet 28) 8:30 matin - (août 1) 4:30 après-midi École Trilingue Vision Rive-Sud

04aou(aou 4)8:30 matin08(aou 8)4:30 après-midiCPH1 - Québec - Optimiser la prononciation en langue seconde / étrangère8:30 matin (4) - 4:30 après-midi (8) École Trilingue Vision Rive-Sud

11aou(aou 11)8:30 matin15(aou 15)4:30 après-midiANL3 - QC - Stage de conception de matériel pédagogique spécifique à l’ANL8:30 matin (11) - 4:30 après-midi (15) École Trilingue Vision Rive-Sud

18aou(aou 18)8:30 matin22(aou 22)4:30 après-midiANL2 - Québec - Stage de perfectionnement en Approche Neurolinguistique8:30 matin - 4:30 après-midi (22)

18aou(aou 18)8:30 matin22(aou 22)4:30 après-midiCPH2 - Québec - Optimiser la prononciation en langue seconde / étrangère8:30 matin - 4:30 après-midi (22) École Trilingue Vision Rive-Sud

25aou(aou 25)8:30 matin29(aou 29)4:30 après-midiANL4 - QC - Stage de formation aux outils d’évaluations spécifiques à l'ANL8:30 matin - 4:30 après-midi (29) École Trilingue Vision Rive-Sud

18déc(déc 18)8:30 matin22(déc 22)4:30 après-midiANL1- Québec - Stage de formation initiale à l'Approche Neurolinguistique8:30 matin - 4:30 après-midi (22) École Trilingue Vision Rive-Sud



> Appointment online with our experts!
> Webinars open to all to answer your questions about our trainings.
> Specialized Webinars to take stock of the educational projects implemented.

Customized workshops


> You are a group of 6 to 7 people?
> Reserve your training directly according to the availability schedule of our trainers.


> > Indicate your availability.
> You will receive a notification as soon as a group of people wishing to do the same training in your area will be constituted.


The CiFRAN Code of Ethics

All members of CiFRAN commit to adhering to the following code of ethics, based on the fundamental values of humanism, science, and pedagogy. These values are detailed as follows:

All undertakings of CiFRAN and its members, teachers, trainers, and experts aim at contributing to literacy development and to improving relations between human beings by developing linguistic and intercultural competencies, while respecting all cultures and all beliefs.

The ultimate goal of language teaching must be to contribute to the wellbeing of humanity.

Following the path opened up by the creators of the NLA, the educational approach adopted by CiFRAN and its members, teachers, trainers, and experts is founded,…
– firstly, on always basing its proposed methodologies on epistemological foundations validated by verified basic research; and,
secondly, on implementing a systematic and methodical evaluation procedures and sharing the results of classroom experiments.
In particular, CiFRAN members commit to clearly distinguishing practices they adopt from the creators of the NLA and those drawn from other sources or that come from other educational currents, as well as always citing all sources as specifically as possible.

All pedagogical approaches, strategies, and materials proposed by CiFRAN members, teachers, trainers, and experts are intended…
– to improve the efficacy of second- or foreign-language teaching, whether for occasional speakers or immigrants;…
– secondly, on implementing a systematic and methodical evaluation procedures and sharing the results of classroom experiments.
– and to help learners improve their communicative proficiency
… in order to facilitate their linguistic and cultural integration, in social, academic or professional contexts.

Collection Littératie III
18 readers designed for 12-18 year old FFL/FSL students
11 posters from the dictionary le MYOSOTIS’s cultural capsules accompanied by 6 free educational activity sheets

New resources